Bryan Wildenthal
Memorial Library
Texas State Flag

Provide your Sul Ross email login (not the "" part) and your Sul Ross email password.

Please enter your SRSU email login:
Please enter your SRSU email password:

If you don't have your SRSU email login/password information, you may be able
to reset it using LoboPass the all-in-one self-service password management system.

To reset Email/Blackboard/Remote Access Databases/Computer Log-in credentials:
Login using your Banner ID and pin, and follow the directions to reset your email password.

If you don't have your login/password or your Banner PIN, please contact the
LTAC (Lobo Technology Assistance Center) at (432) 837-8888.

Note: you MUST furnish your ID number ("A" number) and DOB for the LTAC to confirm your identity.